On August 22nd of 2011, Sensebellum met up with those at El Capitan's Hot Dogs in Bellingham Washington to create and interactive installation on the side of an abandoned 4-story building. We knew the owners from several occasions "The Root System" had performed there so we figured it would be a great time.
After some local advertising, an event page and a few other means, we had a good gathering come to check out what exactly we were doing. For this installation, we chose to concentrate on the planets, specifically being able to explore them with your body and hands.
We designed the software to enable a user to explore the planets in very natural and intuitive ways. By doing so, no training was needed to interact and explore the planets. You could hold, rotate, and expand the size and orientation of a planet just like you were holding a beach ball. When a person clapped their hands, it would switch to the next planet. It was all very easy to use, which resulted in a short learning curve so you could get right down to it. Those using it could even notice the ice caps of Mars,, "I didn't know Mars had ice caps!" said one man. "I had no idea Africa was so huge!", exclaimed another.
It was all a really good time and a learning experience for all of us. Thanks again to Zac, and El Capitan's for lending us the space and power!